Every year, my friend Morgan holds an April Fool's movie night, with the playlist organized by me. As of 2023, I also make a yearly intro for it.
The first one I made is fun, but doesn't really... explain much. It was meant to celebrate 15+ years of dumb YouTube videos, but it doesn't get it across very well.
I'm still proud of the Looney Tunes intro, though I'm mad I left the time and date baked in for something that didn't get shown before the stream. I have a habit of quickly throwing text into whatever I'm working on to kill two birds with one stone. You need a date? I'll throw it in there, take a quick capture in premire, and delete it later. I chose to... edit it in? It's only been a year and I already forget what I was thinking. It would make sense as a promo but not something that's shown at the beginning.
I was most proud of the glow. I don't currently feel like digging through 5 drives to figure out where my project file is, but it's a mixture of layered blurs and glow effects.
This year's... well, it's a whole lot more special.
There's countless references in it to videos from older years plus videos I just thought were funny.
It was made in the equivalent of like, 6-8 hours over different days. I can go back and clean it up, but for a one and done video, it's not too worth it right now.
I kinda rushed a few small sections, including the Bowser "I'M SORRY!" and the character kicks at the end. Plus, I was trying to add the N64 aliasing to everything composited in, but since I was on time constraints, I didn't properly add adjustment layers to everything.
My favorite is the secret characters at the end. I don't know why but seeing the shadow of Binney Brush makes me laugh.